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Our German tax calculator is free to use and will give you an instant tax refund estimation.
Have you ever worked in Germany? If so, you could be due to claim German tax back. People working in Germany can pay up to 42.5% on their earnings. The average German tax refund is €1,020 so it’s well worth finding out what you’re owed. Our German tax calculator is free to use and will give you an instant tax refund estimation. Talk to us about our German tax refund service today.
If you worked in Germany then you may be able to claim ‘Kindergeld’. This is the German childcare benefit scheme. Even if you now live in any EU/EEA country and receive child benefit in that country, you may still be able to claim and you will be paid the difference. If your child never lived in Germany but lived within the EU/EEA, you can still apply for the benefit if you worked in Germany. You can go back 6 months for the benefit.
If you have been working in Germany and paying tax, you’ll probably be due a tax refund. The amount of money you get back depends on a number of factors such as the type of work you have been doing, whether you’re single or married and how much you got paid. The average German tax refund from is €1,020. What would you spend this on? Paying a bill or going on holiday are the top two choices amongst our customers.
Did you pay into a pension fund when you were working in Germany? If so, your pension insurance payments were probably around 9.75% of your salary. If you left Germany at least 2 years ago, we can apply to get your pension payments refunded for you. We can go back as far as 1994 for your German pension refund so you could be due back a considerable amount of money. Don’t leave your money behind – start the refund process today.
When you are working in Germany your employer deducts various insurance contributions (health, unemployment, pension etc) and transfers them to the relevant German Fund.
Are you married and want to claim a German tax refund? The tax rates in Germany for married people are significantly lower than the rates for single tax payers. We can review the estimated refund that you and your spouse are eligible to claim back if you file a joint German tax return. We have provided hundreds of German tax refunds for jointly assessed couples so you can be sure we know what we’re doing! Talk to us today about filing a joint tax refund with your spouse.
If you’re sailing on a ship and being paid through a German company, you could be due a tax refund. We work with a lot of sailors who were previously unaware of their German tax entitlements. When we file your annual German tax return, we will conduct a full review of your circumstances and ensure you receive your maximum refund amount.
We provide German tax refunds for a large number of people working as scientists or researchers (wissenschaftliche mitarbeiter). The first thing we will do is check if you are classified as an employee or a self-employed worker. We will then check if you have overpaid German tax and file a German tax return on your behalf. With, you can be sure that you are fully compliant with German tax laws.
Check out our Contact Us page for your nearest office
Sprintax from is our online self-preparation tool for US federal and state tax returns.
It's fully guided, more cost-effective for you, and will guarantee you stay fully compliant with US tax laws.
By using Sprintax, you will also get the maximum US tax refund.