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Oops - zabudli ste vyplniť niektoré informácie a zadali {[field_name]} nesprávne. Prosím, opravte ich, aby sme mohli pokračovať!

Oops - použili ste nesprávny formát pre {[field_name]}. Prosím zadajte {[field_name]} v požadovanom formáte, aby sme mohli pokračovať!

Oops - uviedli ste iné ako latinské znaky v položke {[field_name]}. Prosím vyplňte položku {[field_name]} s anglickými znakmi aby sme mohli pokračovať!

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Krajina z ktorej potrebujem vrátenie daní, alebo daňové priznanie*

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Daňový rok*

Daňový rok*

Daňový rok*

Daňový rok*

Daňový rok*

Daňový rok*

Daňový rok*

Daňový rok*

Daňový rok*

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Prečítal som a súhlasím s
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TAXBACK.COM Recenzie & Spätná väzba

Naši zákazníci

  • Customer Avatar
    Overall, my experience with Taxback was satisfactory. The team was professional and provided assistance throughout the tax filing process. They were prompt in addressing my queries and ensured a smooth experience. I would consider using their services again in the future.

    17 May 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Great and easy service Zhivko is truly a very supportive and effective account executive. He answered all my enquires in a prompt and easy way. Thank you for all.

    11 May 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Wonderful service provided and very efficient

    25 April 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Such a great experience with Tax Back and my agent Tsvetomir! So efficient and quick to get back to me. And very happy with the amount I’m getting back!

    20 April 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Taxback team is really helpful, even on the chat. Very efficient

    02 April 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Dealt with Brian Couldn't asked for better. Very informative and replys fast Answers questions fast and to the point. Very great experience

    21 March 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Alexandra thank you for your amazing service the past few years. You go over and beyond assisting your clients. I will be back to chat in January 2024 for tax year 2023.

    14 March 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Thanks Alexandra Laza for your great effort to refund me my taxes for the last five years. You have done a great job to save my time and effort to get back those taxes. I really recommend her to get your taxback without any hassle.

    14 March 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Thank you for team for fast refund tax from the UK.

    13 March 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Thank you for your help

    13 March 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Great service !

    10 March 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Alex looked after me , she was kind, helpful , professional, very quick , she has great patient, she sorted my tax back year before and this year also , always keep me updated which I really like . I can only recommend and all team members are great .

    09 March 2023

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