We provide tax services for UK non residents
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It’s important to note that you are still entitled to claim personal tax allowances as a non-resident if you are a UK, or European Economic Area (EEA) national. The personal allowance of £12,570 in 2022/23 can often cover any UK sources of income that a taxpayer may have.
Non-residents of the UK often need to fully reconcile their positions through filing a UK tax return. If you’re not sure if you need to file a UK tax return or not, taxback.com can check your circumstances and clarify this. We can also check if you’ve overpaid tax and you’re due to claim a UK tax refund.
Check out our Contact Us page for your nearest office
*The people in these case studies are fictional and the scenarios have been provided for illustrative purposes only.
Sprintax from Taxback.com is our online self-preparation tool for US federal and state tax returns.
It's fully guided, more cost-effective for you, and will guarantee you stay fully compliant with US tax laws.
By using Sprintax, you will also get the maximum US tax refund.