
Servicii Fiscale
Statele Unite

The Average US Tax Refund is $800

The quickest way to calculate what your US tax refund could be is to use our free US tax refund calculator. Depending on where you worked, you may be due Local, State and Federal tax refunds, which could mean a hefty tax rebate! All you need to do is simply fill in your US tax pack, send us your W2 form and we’ll look after all the paperwork. We’ll check out your individual circumstances to see which type of tax return we need to file for you, e.g. 1040NR which is the tax return which is correct document for US Non-residents. We’ll make sure to get the maximum US tax refund possible for you and will call the IRS frequently to check your tax refund status so your refund comes back as quickly as possible. If you’re looking to get US tax back, we’re the right people for the job.

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Pregatirea Declaratiei Fiscale pentru SUA

Daca ai o sursa de venit din SUA sau daca esti cetatean american, care traieste in strainatate, esti obligat prin lege sa iti depui anual o declaratie fiscala in SUA, la IRS. Noi avem o echipa dedicata pentru SUA si un Contabil Autorizat, care pot sa analizeze circumstantele tale fiscale si sa iti pregateasca declaratia fiscala.

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Returnari de taxes - drepturi de autor

Have you earned royalties from the US?

If you're an artist, athlete or entertainer who has earned royalties from the US, you may have been taxed too much. We can check if you're due a US royalty refund.

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EIN pentru SUA

Companiile locale si cele detinute de straini, care desfasoara afaceri in SUA au nevoie de un Numar de Identificare pentu Angajator (EIN), cunoscut si ca Numar de Identificare Fiscala Federala ( Federal Identification Number). EIN-ul este echivalentul corporatist al Social Security Number-ului (SSN).

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Echipa noastra specializata se va asigura ca iti recuperezi
suma maxima legala au avut grija de returnarea taxelor mele din SUA!

clienti fericiti in urma returnarii taxelor
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