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Calculator Returnare Taxe Luxemburg

Most people want to find out if it’s worth applying
for a tax refund before they proceed. The best
starting point is to use the tax refund calculator below. This handy tool allows you to instantly find out how much Luxembourg tax back you are owed.

The Luxembourg tax calculator is free to use and there is absolutely no obligation. You simply put in your details, get your refund estimation and then decide if you want to apply. We will also email a copy of your refund estimation through to your inbox so you can refer to it later.

The average Luxembourg tax refund is €1,109
so check it out today and take the first, important step towards getting your tax back.
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Mai incet!

Ups - ai omis un rand! Te rugam sa-l completezi astfel incat sa putem continua!

Ups - ai uitat sa completezi cateva dintre informatiile cerute si ai introdus gresit {[field_name]}. Te rugam sa corectezi informatiile introduse pentru a continua procesul!

Ups - ai utilizat formatul gresit pentru {[field_name]}. Te rugam introdu {[field_name]} in formatul din exemplu pentru a putea continua procesul!

Ups - ai utilizat un simbol non-latin in campul {[field_name]}. Te rugam sa introduce in campul {[field_name]} litere acceptate si trecem la urmatorul pas!

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3

To get the best refund estimation possible, please answer the simple questions below and fill in your contact details – we'll contact you about your refund soon!

Detalii de contact

( * - rubrici obligatorii )



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Adresa de domiciliu*

Adresa de e-mail*

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Prefixul tarii*

Prefixul interurban*

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Te rugam sa confirmi primirea unui SMS pe acest numar

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Care este tara dvs de origine?*



Din motive de securitate, te rugam sa selectezi o intrebare pentru a fi folosita la identificarea ta, pe parcursul aplicatiei:*


Anul angajarii*

Te rugam sa introduci caracterele din imaginea de mai jos:*


Am citit si sunt de acord cu termenii si conditiile *