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We file US tax returns for overseas
green card holders every year


Tax Returns for US Green Card Holders Overseas

As a US green card holder, even if you are working in a different country, you are legally obliged to file a US tax return. Green card holders are classified as ‘Resident Aliens’ and are therefore required to report all US and worldwide income on an annual US tax return.

Depending on whether there is a tax treaty between your country of residence and the US, you may be able to apply for tax relief so you are not subject to double taxation.

Green card tax returns

USA greenholder got his tax refund

We file US tax returns for overseas green card holders every year. It’s vital that you file an annual tax return with IRS as you may be hit with a fine or penalty if you fail to do so. Even worse, you may harm your chances of renewing your green card or eventually getting US citizenship.

Green card tax return service

We can file your tax return for both the US and your current country of residence including Ireland, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. We can also assist with:

  • Tax return preparation
  • Tax treaty review including the tie-breaker rules
  • Non Resident Alien Income Tax Return (Form 1040 NR)
  • FBAR - Foreign Bank Account Report
  • FATCA - Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

How it Works

1.You download our US Citizen Abroad Tax Pack

2.Complete and sign the pack and send to us with the relevant documents

3.We’ll review your information and prepare your tax return

4.Our CPA will review and sign your tax return

5.We’ll send your return to you.

Prefer to talk to us?
Our US CPA can help with your queries

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