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Press Clippings

Our tax stories are frequently in the press and we’re often invited to comment on topical tax issues. We generate news coverage both in Ireland and
overseas. This year our coverage has spanned a wide range of stories including: Australian Income Tax and Superannuation Refunds, the Local Property Tax in Ireland, CSR activity we carried out and our Irish tax return service.

Below you can see the taxback.com stories that generated headlines over the last couple of months.

Press Clippings

Consumer Corner: Side hustling — making extra money and what you need to consider

...is very well but what are the implications with taxes and Revenue? Many people will be PAYE workers and won't have to worry about calculating the tax on earnings but once you start to earn the additional income, you may have to start considering the tax implications. Marian Ryan, Consumer Tax Manager with Taxback.com said that if you are planning...
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14 September 2022 - irishexaminer.com

Property prices beat Celtic Tiger levels as mortgage rates fall

...pressures the banks feel under, he said. Meanwhile, a survey has found that the high cost of rent is viewed as the biggest hurdle for first-time buyers struggling to get onto the property ladder. A Taxback.com pre-Budget survey of 1,500 adults found that almost one in three people believe that stricter rent controls would be the... biggest helping hand for first-time buyers striving to buy their own home. This is because such a measure would make it easier for them to save up a house deposit. Consumer tax manager with Taxback.com Marian Ryan said: "There was a time when the Central Bank's mortgage lending rules might have been viewed as the biggest challenge to those...
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14 September 2022 - independent.ie

[Ireland] Claiming tax refunds is successful ‘nine times out of ten’

...A tax expert has said Ireland's PAYE employees should make sure they claim tax refunds every year and revealed that 'nine times out of ten' they will find a refund is due, Newstalk reports. Marian Ryan is a business development director with Taxback.com. Speaking to Sean Moncrieff she said it is a fact that many people are unaware of. "Taxes are... original reporting) A tax expert has said Ireland's PAYE employees should make sure they claim tax refunds every year and revealed that 'nine times out of ten' they will find a refund is due, Newstalk reports. Marian Ryan is a business development director with Taxback.com. Speaking to Sean Moncrieff she said it is a fact that many people are...
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14 September 2022 - globalpayrollassociation.com

Budget 2023: Cost-of-living crisis now the public's biggest concern | Beat102103.com

...manager with Taxback.com, said: "This is the first time in many years that housing has not come out top in Taxback.com's pre-Budget survey as the issue which requires the most urgent and immediate Government attention." "Today's survey is a worrying signal of the extent to which people are struggling with day-to-day living...James Cox The cost-of-living crisis is now the biggest concern for people ahead of the upcoming Budget, with housing a close second, according to a new survey. The first installment of the Taxback.com Taxpayer Pre-Budget 2023 Survey, on 1,500 adults from throughout the country, found that over one in three (35 per cent...
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13 September 2022 - beat102103.com

Inside how to recession-proof your life - experts' seven simple tips to dodge 2023 downturn

...financial whizz also said there are options available to help boost household income in non-traditional ways. He said: "If you need extra money in the household you could look at the Rent-a-Room Relief for up to €14,000. It's not ideal for everybody but it's an option for some." Barry Cahill from Taxback.com said: "It's...
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13 September 2022 - thesun.ie

Cost of living crisis is now a bigger worry than housing, new survey suggests

...The biggest concern for people in Ireland is no longer housing - it's the cost of living crisis. In a nutshell About 35 per cent of people now believe that combatting inflation should be the number one priority of government as we are just two weeks ahead of The Budget. According to research from Taxback.com, more people are concerned... about inflation than housing (32 per cent of people believe housing should be the government's main priority). READ NEXT - Irish Water: Almost 9,000 incidents reported at wastewater treatment plants since 2014 READ NEXT - The Buzz Climate Newsletter Marian Ryan, consumer tax manager with Taxback.com said that it was the first time in...
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12 September 2022 - buzz.ie


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