Hoppá! Ezen oldal Magyar nyelvű fordítása még munka alatt van, emiatt jelenik meg Angolul. Elnézést kérünk a kellemetlenségért és igyekezünk minél hamarabb véglegesíteni a fordítást.


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We’re fond of blogging here at taxback.com. We blog about a whole range of things; weird and wonderful tax reliefs, changes in tax legislation and the pretty generous competitions we run periodically.

You’ll often see pieces crop up about celebrities’ tax misdemeanours (of which there are many!) Our blog is basically a home for the more light-hearted stories we come across. So check out our musings below and tell us what you think!

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7 Helpful Websites for Canadian Newcomers

These websites are a great resource for all of our customers and readers who have recently secured an IEC VISA. If you plan to come and work in Canada in the near future or have recently arrived in Canada each website either provides great advice, tips for making the most of your time in Canada [...]
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04 September 2014 - Blog Clippings

Taxback.com Canadian Twitter Account

Do you love to chat with the world? We certainly do. We have launched our @TaxbackCanada Twitter account where we keep you up to date with all Taxback.com activity in Canada, top tax tips, resort events and retweets from some of our partners best tweets. What’s it all about? Our Twitter account is an extension [...]
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28 August 2014 - Blog Clippings

Irish Revenue chasing property payments

Given the variety of property taxes introduced under austerity, namely the NPPR, LPT and the Household Charge, homeowners could be forgiven for losing track of what payments were due and when. However, Revenue will be in no mood to forgive anyone who has yet to make any payments – and will seek to impose stiff [...]
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27 August 2014 - Blog Clippings

Setting up a Canadian Bank Account in 3 easy steps

We have put together a simple plan to help you set up a Canadian bank account as a newcomer in Canada. Managing your finances in a foreign country can be a daunting task to say the least, so use our helpful steps to get started on your Canadian working journey: 1. Get your SIN first! [...]
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21 August 2014 - Blog Clippings

How to get ready for Working & Travelling in Australia

The thought of travelling for 12 months can be daunting to some people. Others will happily buy a one-way ticket and jump on a plane with a tiny backpack. With the help of STA Travel, blogs and friend’s experiences, I became one of most organised travellers ever (several to-do lists later).   Where to get [...]
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16 August 2014 - Blog Clippings

Cómo gastar tu reembolso de impuestos Australianos

Estamos a una semana de la temporada de reembolso de impuestos y es seguro que el dinero está haciendo un agujero en tu mochila!   Si ya has conseguido ponerte en contacto con nosotros para obtener tu reembolso de impuestos, puede que ya tengas tu dinero ganado -, ya que sólo le toma unos días [...]
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16 August 2014 - Blog Clippings

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