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We will prepare your CPA-approved
US tax return

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US Expat Entrepreneurs Tax Return Registration

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US Expat Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

When you’re an entrepreneur it can be difficult to keep up to speed with your tax affairs. Move to a different country and things can get even more complicated. When you’re concentrating on running a business, the last thing you need is to get slapped with an IRS fine for not filing a tax return. That’s why it pays to use an expatriate tax specialist like Taxback.com.

We work with some very talented entrepreneurs who were not aware that they had to file an annual tax return until we told them. Yes, that’s right, even when living and working abroad you’re legally obliged to file a US tax return by June 15th every year.

Our Service

Enterpreneur woman tax return customer of Taxback.com

We will prepare your CPA-approved US tax return. We will also review your circumstances to see if you’re eligible to avail of tax treaty relief. As an entrepreneur, you’re probably legally obliged to file a tax return in your new country of residence also. We have a global presence so can look after tax returns across multiple jurisdictions. We offer:

  • Business & individual tax return filing
  • Tax treaty review
  • Form 5471 assistance
  • FBAR
  • Foreign business taxation advice
  • Payroll assistance

How it Works

1.You download our US Citizen Abroad Tax Pack

2.Complete and sign the pack and send to us with the relevant forms

3.We’ll review your information and prepare your tax return

4.Our CPA will review and sign your tax return

5.We’ll send your return to you.

Prefer to talk to us?
Our US CPA can help with your queries

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