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We provide US tax return services for non-residents, everyone from sportspeople in receipt of scholarships to musicians and artists in receipts of royalty income

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US Royalty Refunds

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Looking for inspiration for your next ‘oeuvre’ or training for your next big event is time-consuming and exhausting and doesn’t leave much time for poring over IRS tax return forms.

We get US royalty refunds for sportspeople, musicians, artists and actors so if you've been working or performing in the US on a P, O, B1 or B2 visa we can help you apply for a royalty refund.

If you earned US royalties during the past three years, you will have had up to 30% tax deducted from your earnings. That extra income could come in very handy for you so it's worth claiming it back.

Look no further. Taxback.com will claim back most, if not all of the tax withheld from your US earnings as far back as the past three tax years if you weren’t a resident there during that time. Our US CPA and team of tax experts ensure you get back what you are owed under US tax law and international tax treaties.

Royalty refund case-studies 

Case Studies

Case studies
Athlete on P-1 Visa*

As the winner of the 2008 Dublin City Marathon, Colin is invited by the Staten Island Athletics Club to run in the 2009 New York City Marathon. His visa, flight and hotel arrangements are organised and covered by the Staten Island Athletics Club.

Colin arrives in NYC on a P-1 visa on October 5th. After an exceptional run on October 7th, Colin finishes second in the marathon and receives $14,000 from the Marathon funds and a signed contract for several future events worldwide. Colin then leaves the US on October 8th and returns to Dublin. It is his only visit to the US during 2009.

Because he only spent 4 days in the US in 2009, Colin is considered a non-resident for tax purposes and therefore the Marathon organiser deducts 30% tax from his winnings, as required by the IRS.

When Colin receives his winnings by bank transfer he receives $9800 and a statement for the $4200 that was deducted from his gross winnings as federal income tax.

However, because Colin is a non-resident for tax purposes in the US and a citizen of Ireland, taxback.com can claim tax treaty benefits which exempt his winnings from US tax and allow him to receive a full refund of the $4200.

Case studies
Opera Singer on O-1 Visa*

Jennifer is a famous Australian opera singer who is invited by Music Hall to take the role of Desdemona in Verdi’s Othello. She takes on a three week contract of two performances per week at $1500 per performance – making her gross earnings for the show $9000.

Jennifer arrives in the US on March 11th 2009 on an O-1 visa and returns to Australia on April 4th. It is her only visit to the US in 2009.

Because she only spent 24 days in the US in 2009, Jennifer is considered a non-resident for tax purposes. Therefore, Music Hall deducts 30% tax from her pay, as required by the IRS.

Jennifer receives her net earnings of $6000 by bank transfer to her account in Australia and $3000 of federal tax is paid to the IRS.

Because Jennifer was a non-resident for tax purposes in the US and is a citizen of Australia, her performance income can be exempt from US tax and taxback.com can use tax treaty benefits to help her claim a full refund of the $3000 of federal taxes.

*The people in these case studies are fictional and the scenarios have been provided for illustrative purposes only.

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