All homeowners in Ireland have to file an annual self-assessed local property tax return
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We provide tax refunds for thousands of PAYE workers every year. With the average Irish tax refund being €1,880, it could cover your property tax liability so you aren't trying to find the money from somewhere else. Simply apply for your tax refund and when it comes through, your Account Manager can arrange to deduct your property tax bill from it. Simple!
When the 2012 tax year ended, Mary, who is a PAYE worker, applied for her tax refund with She had a number of medical and dental expenses dating back to 2009.
Mary and her husband Liam live in a house valued at €345,000. According to Revenue Guidelines they owe € 292 in local property tax for 2013.
Mary got back a tax refund of €1,248 in March 2013 . Her agent paid her Property Tax bill on her behalf and then transferred the remaining € 956 to Mary.
The Local Property tax return form is quite straightforward to complete. Taxpayers will confirm their name, address, PPS number, address the property return is in respect of and valuation of property. Little to no other information will be required. Other sections outline the many payment methods available, from salary deduction to credit card payments to when deferrals may apply.
The tax return also comes along with official guidelines for valuing your property. Revenue has confirmed that once a taxpayer complies with these guidelines, their valuation will not be challenged. Revenue has, of course, left itself the option to declare that the valuation deviates from the guidelines, should it disagree with your assessment but it would appear that the intention is encourage compliance rather than threaten confrontation
Payment is quite similar to the motor tax payment method i.e. you can go online, enter your PIN number, check the details per Revenue records and amend where incorrect. You can see a copy of the form that will be sent out here.
The letters issued on 11th March will contain guidelines on how to value your property. Revenue has also provided a calculator on its website.
Local Property Tax is often discussed in the media. You can see our Head of Direct Taxes, Christine Keily talking about Local Property Tax on RTE Morning Edition here.
Revenue has vowed to make the payment process as simple as possible with clear instructions on how to pay your property tax. You can see their Frequently Asked Questions here. However if you're still confused and would like one-to-one assistance, we can arrange this for a small fee.
Náš irský tým péče o zákazníka má sídlo v naší pobočce v Kilkenny. Odpovědí Vám na všechny otázky ohledně vrácení irských daní a podávání daňového přiznání. Také máme kancelář v centru Dublinu. S oběma našima irskýma pobočkami se můžete spojit na bezplatném irském čísle 1800 99 18 05.
Pracovníci našich irských kanceláří Vám rádi pomůžou.
Ne v Irsku?The thought of yet another household bill can cause an enormous headache for a lot of people. That’s why we’ve been encouraging people to apply for their Irish income tax refunds. A lot of our Irish tax refund customers have found that they have got back a sufficient amount to pay their property tax bill and some have even been lucky enough to have some money left over for treating themselves! It’s free to find out what you’re owed so check out the Irish tax refund calculator today.
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