Click here to read this story in Portuguese. and our partner True Experience Belo Horizonte joined forces again this year to raise 383kgs of food for a local children’s nursery.
On August 29th more than 420 students attended a and True Experience party to celebrate their time abroad. As an entry fee, all participants had to donate an item of non-perishable food. The 383kgs of food donated will go to Agostinho Cândido de Souza Nursery, which takes care of 90 children under 5-years-old in Belo Horizonte and relies entirely on donations to remain open.
Last year the same and True Experience event raised 377kgs of food for the nursery.
Cristina Salles of True Experience says the exchange students’ annual meeting was made even more special by supporting a worthy cause at the same time.
“Creche Agostinho Cândido de Souza provides a meaningful service to the community by taking care of children whose mothers need to work and have no-one to leave the children with,” Salles says. “We are partners now and our help is much needed and appreciated.”’s Marketing Development Manager in Belo Horizonte Alice Gomes says the event was a huge success.
“It was incredible to see how much the students donated and how enthusiastic they were about the cause,” Gomes says. “Everyone came not just to meet together and have a great time but to help out the nursery. We can’t wait to do it again next year!”
This year, also provided a prize draw of 100 Reais for all entrants and the winner was Rodrigo Carvalho Cevidanes.
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