If you worked in any of these countries, you could be due a Tax Refund

Working Holiday Australia: Finding a Job

#TaxTipsAustralia #TravelTipsAustralia

Australia has a strong economy, so with a little research and a bit of confidence, you should be able to land a decent job.

Planning your working holiday in Australia? You're in the right place!

It's a popular choice for many since Australia has a strong economy. So with a little reserach and a bit of confidence, you should be able to land a decent job.

We’ve put together some tips on finding suitable work in Oz!

What do I need to do to get a job in Australia?

First things first, you need to secure your working holiday visa. You cannot legally obtain a job without a visa that allows you to work in Australia.

When searching for employment, you'll need the following:

  • Phone
  • Computer
  • Wifi
  • And your resume, of course!

Updating your CV

  • Make sure your CV is up-to-date. Only add the skills and experience that are relevant to the position you're applying for. In fact, create multiple CVs tailored to the different roles you're applying for
  • Ensure that you're using bullet points throughout, so that the information is easily readable
  • Have verifiable references who can be contacted by email
  • ‘Aussify’ your CV


Australian CVs and cover lettersmay differ from your home country. Ensure that you change your spelling to Australian English or at the very least UK English. If you're using Microsoft Word to edit your CV, you can chhange the spelling to Australian, which will put you on the right track.

  • Include a personalized cover letter - it can make all the difference. This is your chance to include more information about yourself, why you want to work with that organization and how you are a good fit for the role. Your cover letter should be no longer than half to three-quarters of a page
  • Here are some instructions on styling your CV for Oz

Finished editing your CV/s? Now make sure to look over your CV for any spelling mistakes, typos, etc. The last thing you want is for an employer to be distracted by typos which can easily be avoided!

Can I work any job on my working holiday in Australia?

Yes, technically you can work any job while you're on your working holiday in Australia. However, you need to have the skills and experiences required for the job you're applying for.

Note that not all jobs require prior experence, some require you to be determined to learn and have skills and qualities that match that job.

2nd year specified work

If you plan on applying for a 2nd year working holiday visa, you’ll have to do three months’ specified work in regional Australia. The easiest work to find is usually fruit picking, horticulture, or some other type of farm work. It’s easier if you decide early on whether you want to stay for a second year so you can plan where and when you want to do this seasonal work.

You can search for more information on what work qualifies and find job listings all over the country at jobsearch.gov.au/harvesttrail.

Farm work

Australia is such a vast country and there are many different climate zones! Farm work and fruitpicking take place all year round. To be in the right part of Australia at the height of each season, simply research what crops are being harvested when.

Check the harvest trail government website for more info and tips on jobs, accommodation, working conditions, and transport and also here.

There are also plenty of job websites where you’ll find fruitpicking and other types of temporary farm work:

When looking for farm work, check if there is accommodation on site, or if not, that there is somewhere nearby where you can stay and get easily to and from each day.

We help thousands of working holidaymakers to get their tax refund


Target an industry

a woman on her working holiday visa in Australia

If you don't plan on doing farm work, there are plenty of industries for you in Australia!

Decide what industry you would like to work in and target it. Australia’s biggest sectors include mining, agriculture, financial services, tourism, and telecommunications.

Childminding, office temping, and hospitality work are also popular choices for many working holidaymakers.

Unfortunately, even if you’re qualified for a certain industry at home, you may not meet the qualifications in Australia, so research this before you start applying for positions.

Some qualifications you may need include:

We help thousands of working holidaymakers to get their tax refund


Where to find a job


Australia has lots of websites where you’ll find job postings:

You can also upload your CV and let prospective employers find you.

Social media

Don’t forget the power of social media; update your LinkedIn profile with your new location and make sure your connections know you’re looking for a job in Australia. Check the Facebook pages and Twitter profiles of hostels to see if they regularly post jobs.


Some of the larger hostels partner with job agencies and will help you find temporary employment. You should submit your CV to a few of these job agencies in your area to give yourself the best chance of finding something you like. If you’re staying in a hostel, checking the noticeboards or asking around can be a great way of finding work.

Recruitment agencies

Submit your CV to at least three recruitment agencies; these can be very useful for finding temporary office work in big cities. Sometimes they’ll ask you to do a simple typing and excel test to check your abilities before placing you. They might give you a couple of days’ temping to start, but these positions sometimes end up leading to longer roles.

Get your CV out there!

Don’t be shy! Print out some copies of your CV and hand them into businesses where you would like to work - coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, bars, etc. Businesses are used to backpackers scouting for employment, and often this is the quickest way to spread the word that you’re looking for work.

Important note: once you apply for jobs, it can be difficult to know when exactly employers will get back to you. Therefore, continue your job serach while you're waiting to hear back.

Know your rights

Before you accept a job, know your rights as a worker so you can avoid any dodgy employers. Although they’re in the minority, it’s good to be armed with the knowledge so you don’t get taken advantage of. You can read about Australian foreign workers rights and working policies here.

Make sure prospective employers are offering you fair pay by checking the Australian minimum wage at www.fairwork.gov.au. Australia has a booming economy, so with some perseverance, you should be able to land a decent wage.

Our average Australian tax refund is AU$2600


Got an interview?

Once you’ve got an interview lined up, it’s time to prepare.

How do I prepare? 

Prepare for questions that might be asked. You can often find lists of questions related to the industry you have the interview for online. For example, if you have a waitressing interview you may be asked questions related to customer service. 

A question you should always prepare for is “tell me about yourself.” You can often prepare for other questions by looking at the job description, for example, if you are required to have communication skills, you may be asked for times when you showed this skill. So keep this in mind!

Another way to prepare for the interview is to know your CV thoroughly as the interviewer can often ask you questions based on your CV.

You should also prepare questions you will ask after the interview. They have to be relevant of course.

Here are some examples of typical questions interviewees ask at the end of the interview:

  • How would you describe the culture in this organization?

  • What does a typical day in this role look like?

  • What does success look like in this role?

Finally PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE more to get ready for your job interview.

Got a job?

Congrats! You've landed a job. What next?

There are a few things you’ll have to set up once you secure a job, including an Australian bank account and a Tax File Number (TFN). Your TFN will let you open an Ozzie bank account and ensure your employer can pay you and deduct the correct amount of tax. Without a TFN, you’ll have to pay emergency tax.

It will also help you apply for a tax refund! You can register for a TFN. You’ll need your visa number and passport number to apply.

Keep your payslips!

Once you find a job, make sure you keep evidence of your employment so you’ll have proof when you’re applying for your second year visa.

We help thousands of working holidaymakers to get their tax refund


Tax refund

Many working holidaymakers may be due a tax refund at the end of the tax year (June 30th) or once they’ve permanently left Australia. The most common Australian refunds are income tax refunds and superannuation (the Australian pension scheme).

So, once the tax year ends, or you’ve left the country permanently, why not get a free estimate to see if you’re owed a nice welcome bit of cash?

Good luck and happy job hunting!

And.... Don’t forget to pack plenty of insect repellent and sunscreen!

About The Author

Ciara Kennedy - Digital Content Writer @ Taxback.com

Ciara is our Digital Content Writer at Taxback.com. Since graduating in Journalism and Visual media, Ciara has worked in online marketing in Ireland and Australia and loves writing in all its forms.

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