If you worked in any of these countries, you could be due a Tax Refund

German tax refunds for Kyrgyzstan citizens


Are you a Kyrgyzstan citizen currently living and working in Germany, or have you previously lived and worked in Germany? 

Did you know that you could be due a tax refund from Germany

It’s true! Many Kyrgyzstani citizens will be due a substantial amount of tax back from Germany. In fact, our average tax refund in Germany is €1,020! 

In this article, we will discuss the German tax system, who is entitled to a German tax refund, and how to claim your tax back from the German tax office.

Let’s get started!

Understanding the German tax system

The German tax year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December. 

The deadline for submitting your tax return is 31 July of the following tax year. However, if you’re not legally obliged to file a German tax return, you have four years to submit your tax return. 

Germany has a progressive tax system, meaning the more income you earn, the more tax you will pay. 

In Germany, you will be taxed only on your German income, however you will need to report your worldwide income so that the correct rate of tax is determined. 

Understanding the German tax system

German income tax rates (2024)


Tax Rate 

Up to €11,604


€11,604 - €17,005

14% - 24%

€17,006 - €66,760

24% - 42%

€277,825 +


If you earn over €18,130 per year, you will also have to pay a solidarity surcharge, also known as soli tax

This is a surcharge on income tax and corporation tax and it was introduced to meet the costs of German unification. The rate of solidarity tax is 5.5%.


Am I a resident or non-resident in Germany? 

In Germany, you will be considered a resident if you have a home or dwelling there or if you spend over six consecutive months in Germany. 

You will be deemed a non-resident if you spend less than six consecutive months in Germany. 

However, non-residents can be considered and taxed as German residents in certain circumstances. For instance: 

  • If at least 90% of their total worldwide income is subject to German income tax 

  • If their income from outside Germany does not exceed a certain amount. For Kyrgyzstan citizens this is €2,901 (2024)

Learn more about the German tax system by reading our Guide to taxes in Germany.

The Average German Tax Refund is €1020


Who is entitled to a tax refund in Germany? 

If you have worked in Germany, it’s likely that you will be entitled to claim a tax refund.

There are many reasons why you could be due a tax refund, including: 

  • If your annual income was under the tax-free allowance

  • If you were incorrectly classified for tax payments  

  • You worked part-time or have a temporary job in Germany 

  • You paid rent in both Germany and your home country 

  • If you have work-related expenses 

  • If you are married, but were taxed as a single individual 


German pension refunds 

During your time spent working in Germany, it’s likely that you paid German pension contributions from your salary.

Generally, everyone must contribute 9.35% of their gross monthly salary towards their pension insurance in Germany

However, you may be eligible for a German pension refund if you do not plan to retire in Germany, if you paid German pension contributions for less than five years, and if you live outside of the EU. 

You can apply for a German pension refund if your last pension contribution was more than 24 months ago. 

Our average German pension refund is a massive €5,410apply for your German pension refund today!


You may also like to read: German Pension Refund: How to get your money back


How long does it take to get a tax refund from Germany

The average processing time is six months from the date that your application is received. However, processing time can vary depending on how busy the German tax office is.

How long does it take to get a tax refund from Germany?

How to get your tax refund from Germany 

The easiest way to claim your German tax refund is by applying with Taxback. 

We understand that filing a tax return can be confusing and time-consuming. At Taxback, we will handle the boring tax paperwork and deal with the German tax office on your behalf. 

Lohnsteuerbescheinigung - what is it?

To estimate your tax refund, we will need your Lohnsteuerbescheinigung. 

This form outlines your earnings and the amount of tax you paid throughout the tax year and you will receive it from your employer at the end of the tax year. 

If you are missing this document, we can help you to retrieve it! 

The Average German Tax Refund is €1020


Why apply with Taxback? 

At Taxback, our team of tax experts will ensure you claim every tax benefit you’re entitled to. 

We will ensure you get back your hard-earned money from Germany for the previous four tax years. 

In fact, our average German tax refund is a substantial €1,020

  • Maximum legal tax refund guaranteed 

  • 24/7 Live Chat support to answer your tax queries 

  • Remain compliant with the German tax authorities 

  • We offer a multilingual service 


Apply for your German tax refund.

About The Author

Rachel Gilmartin - Junior Content Executive @ Taxback.com

Rachel is a Junior Content Executive at Taxback. She graduated from the University of Galway in 2022 with a degree in Digital Marketing.

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Rachel Gilmartin - Junior Content Executive @ Taxback.com in
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