Катрин Мърфи
Мениджър бизнес развитие: Work and Travel
Having worked in recruitment in Ireland after I graduated, I moved to Australia and joined Taxback.com in 2008, as a Sales Agent in the Sydney office. Our team provided sales and customer service to both Australian tax customers and Irish tax customers who had recently arrived in Australia and were due Irish refunds.
Over the next three years in the Sydney Office, I progressed to Sales Team Leader and then to Sales Manager. As Sales Manager I worked closely with our tax specialists, partner managers and my sales team to ensure we were providing a seamless service for our customers and partners. During my three years in the Sydney office, I significantly developed my skills in managing sales processes and key business relationships. I also developed in-depth technical knowledge of our services and the Australian marketplace.
In 2011, I was offered the opportunity to take on a role as Business Development Manager for US and Canadian tax. This allowed me to return home to Dublin and as part of the Global Business Development team, I target business partners involved in work and travel abroad programmes, who have a client base of workers on temporary visas. My role also includes managing our local sales offices and partner relationships in Asia, the UK, Canada and the US.
Taxback.com has provided me with not only opportunity to progress my career within the company but the invaluable experience and challenges of going into new markets and learning how to operate our business successfully within different cultures and unfamiliar business landscapes. Taxback.com is always evolving in the way we engage with customer and partners as well as broadening the services we offer, so every day brings a new challenge and opportunity.
Николай Русев
Оперативен Мениджър
I joined Taxback.com in 2002 as a Customer Service representative for the Australian market doing the morning shift. It took some getting used to as the hours were 03:00-10:00! I progressed to Team Supervisor and then became Australian Sales Team Leader in 2003. I was then promoted to Senior Sales Manager and then moved to US Sales. In 2010, I applied for my current position of Operations Manager in the Tax Service delivery team.
I manage the Tax Service Delivery team and I am responsible for all Tax Preparation Teams, Property Tax, Payment Entry and Dividend Withholding Tax. Our goal is to prepare, review and file compliant tax returns for our clients that are processed on time. We also keep the clients regularly updated and strive to provide a ‘world class’ service.
We are always keen to explore new opportunities and develop new services that we can add to our ever-expanding portfolio. As manager of a large division in Taxback.com I, together with the Team Leaders try to create a positive supportive environment where all employees feel valued and motivated. We place strong emphasis on encouraging personal development and making the maximum contribution to the business.
We work in a very dynamic and challenging environment where good ideas are always valued and pursued. I learn new things every day. The most important thing for me personally is that I can use my skills and ideas here and actively participate in process development.
Айлийн Девърю
Мениджър Маркетинг и Продажби
My career within taxback.com has progressed greatly from when I joined in June 2008 after graduating from university.
I initially worked within the Irish and UK tax sales team in Kilkenny where I gained a huge level of exposure to the sales process and was really settling into the role when the opportunity arose to move to Australia to work on the front desk in the Sydney office for a year. I jumped at the chance and have not looked back since I moved to Australia.
I can safely say that during my time here I have taken part in all the activities within the office from flipping burgers in hostels to sending paperwork to the processing teams. Over the years, I have dealt with thousands of tax clients and have been asked every question you can possibly be asked by a backpacker travelling around Oz!
It was the exposure to all areas of the business that resulted in my move into the Sales and Marketing Manager role where my responsibility now lies in maintaining relations with our partners, acquiring new partners and generally growing the business in the ANZ region with the support of an amazing local and international team.
In my role I look after the operation of the ANZ business from the maintenance and creation of new partnerships to the management of the Sydney HQ and our regional offices where we have a team of approximately 20 people, managing 5 remote resources is interesting but is something that I really enjoy and enables us to reach out to a greater number of partners on a personal level. My general goal is to sustain & grow annually our client and revenue number for the region.
I love all aspects of my job (bonus points from the boss). I particularly enjoy working in an environment where I am given the freedom to explore new ways of doing things; in my current role I have really been given the autonomy to try new approaches to business development and have the support of the management team to make new approaches a reality which is something I really value.
Дейвид Клейтън
Мениджър Дигитални Комуникации
I joined Taxback.com in June 2014 as Digital Marketing Manager. I work directly with the Commercial Director, along with managing the PPC and SEO teams located in Bulgaria, and content creation team in Dublin.
I lead and implement online marketing strategy to promote and increase awareness of key products and services, and convert traffic to customers.
I am also responsible for optimising the customer journey on the website, landing pages and mobile app to increase conversion rates through the use of A/B testing, personalisation, behavioural tracking and measurement. We are constantly developing UX/UI to drive better results.
Our customers are at the heart of all our communications. Tax can be an off-putting subject for a lot of people so we do our best to communicate in a friendly, understandable way.
A lot of my work is governed by the tax seasons, for example from June to August, I work on a lot of promotional materials for the Australian market. In September, I’d typically be working on promotions for our Irish self-assessed service. There are always plenty of things happening!
Everyone works together as a team and they are open to new approaches or suggestions. I really love working at Taxback.com because I am given the freedom to try new directions. No two days are ever the same in here which keeps things very busy but interesting!
Sprintax от Taxback.com е нашият онлайн инструмент за самоподготовка на федерални и щатски данъчни декларации.
Инструментът разполага с пълно ръководство за работа, по-ефикасен е за вас и ще ви гарантира пълното спазване на данъчното законодателство на САЩ.
Използвайки Sprintax, ще получите и максималното възстановяване на данъци в САЩ.